Food insecurity is a big issue across the country, as many families don't know where their next meals are coming from. This impacts kids, too, meaning school nutrition professionals are critical in helping combat the issue. In fact, they're on the front lines.
The reality is that many children get at least one, and sometimes two, meals at school every day. Parents depend on schools to provide their children with these meals, which helps parents save money because they don't have to purchase as much food at the grocery store.
Sadly, some students have a difficult time eating school lunches. Maybe they cannot afford it, perhaps they are worried about what their friends will think, and maybe they simply do not like the food that the school serves. Children learn better when they aren't hungry, and it is important for schools to find ways to provide children with the fuel they need to focus in the classroom, whether they come from food-insecure families or not.
Here are a few ways to encourage participation in school lunch programs:
Standardize Free Eating Programs
One of the easiest ways to get students to eat school lunches is to standardize free eating programs. Right now, many students are expected to pay for school lunches every day. Even though there are some ways for students to qualify for reduced-price or free school lunches, this has not been standardized. It can create a lot of confusion related to which students qualify for free lunches and which do not, and it can make it harder for parents to budget. If free eating programs are standardized, it could be much easier for students to access the nutrition they need, and in Colorado, a law was passed making free school lunches available to all public school students.
Offer Healthy Choices
It is also beneficial to offer students healthy eating choices. Because many school systems are on tight budgets, they often choose the cheapest option they can find regarding ingredients. Unfortunately, these are often not meals that contain the necessary vitamins, minerals, and protein to fuel growing children. And in many cases, they're not tasty, either. Schools need to invest in equipment that can make it easier to preserve fresh ingredients, provide scratch meals, and efficiently put food on the table. When schools offer healthy meals, children will be more inclined to eat them, and parents are more likely to encourage their children to eat them.
Speed Up Serving Lines
Schools should also look for ways to speed up serving lines. Unfortunately, it can take children a long time to get the necessary meals. Lines can be out the door, and by the time students get to the front, the good food has been taken and what's left is cold. The amount of time it takes to eat those meals is also reduced, making it prudent for schools to take a closer look at how they have designed their lunchrooms, focusing on creating an environment that is more conducive to serving food quickly and efficiently. Investing in automated equipment, making it easier for students to be served, and making meals grab-and-go are key tips that can increase the speed at which food is served.
Create Attractive Serving Lines
There is a saying that there is never a second chance to make a first impression. School administrators need to ask, do the serving lines look attractive? Kids are more likely to eat meals that look good, and not every healthy meal is visually appealing to a child. Sometimes, creating a more attractive serving line can make the meal look more attractive as well. If students are enthusiastic about school lunches, they will be more likely to eat the healthy food that is put on their plates.
Looking for more ways to improve your school foodservice to encourage more student participation?
Elevation Reps created a resource for school nutrition professionals that includes tips on enhancing service. Also included is an important buying guide that reviews the best times to make upgrades in your K-12 school cafeteria.