Many customers are looking for convenience in food. And pre-cooked meals from grocery stores, while just as convenient as fast food, tend to be a healthier choice. But offering healthier choices doesn't have to mean the food has to have less taste or appeal.
So how can your store produce prepared foods that have look and taste great? By selecting the right items to serve, along with having cooking and reheating options that showcase the food.
Soups are a quick and easy way to get in plenty of vegetables and nutrients while keeping you hydrated and giving your immune system a boost. Made-in-house soups are always great choices, but if your store has time constraints or limited space, premade soups are always an option. And you can always add additional items like spices or veggies to add boldness and depth.
Roasted Meat
Preparing meat can take a huge chunk of time out of customers' day, which is why many people opt for pre-cooked roasted meats from the grocery store. From rotisserie chicken to roast beef, there are many easily re-heatable types of meat that are both tender and tasty.
Providing alternative ways to eat roasted meat, like offering it on the hot bar next to mashed potatoes is another great way to offer pre-cooked meats. Or how about in a pre-made sandwich? Using combi cooking technology is the best way to keep the moisture in all that prepared meat, while also ensuring that your delicious protein won't be dry now, or in the future when enjoyed.
Offering pre-made sandwiches helps use ingredients like roasted meats or freshly baked bread that your grocery store is already producing. Sandwiches are a popular choice not only because they are handheld meals, but also because there are so many varieties that can be created. And having the ability to heat them for customers in-store is another way to help increase sales and customer satisfaction.
The Miracle of Induction Technology
Producing and storing prepared foods doesn’t have to be a hassle with induction cooking and warming/holding options. With multiple cooktops and ranges available, CookTek induction cooktops, your store will be able to deliver consistency and precision cooking every time. And with induction warmers and holders, soups and pans of food are always kept at temperature.
Looking for an energy-efficient cooking solution that allows you to prepare and store food safely, while also cooking quicker than traditional methods? CookTek can help your store serve the tastiest prepared foods.
Presentation is Key
Since you've gone to all the effort to offer these vast options at your grocery store, we need to be able to close the loop and display it in the best (and safest!) way possible. LTI display cases are a game-changer in mechanical serving technologies, allowing your operation to offer a wide variety, while also remaining mobile. Helping get the product directly to where the customer is.
Place those yummy rotisserie chickens right by the register for a quick and easy grab-and-go option. Or pre-slice some deli options, perfect for the charcuterie lover who is looking for minimal effort. No matter what customers are looking for, LTI can help present it in an attractive way, while also maintaining optimal food quality.
Schedule some time in our Chef's Playground to see these product solutions in our very own test kitchen today!