Elevation Nation Blog | Elevation Foodservice Reps

Team Spotlight: Liz Purnal

Written by Elevation Foodservice Reps | Oct 3, 2024 7:57:03 PM

Join us in welcoming Liz to the team! With her passion for learning and sharing knowledge in the foodservice industry, we're excited to have her on board.

Hi Liz, to start, tell us what excites you most about your job?

What excites me most about my job is learning and sharing that knowledge with others so they can make informed decisions about their purchases.

Why do you feel the foodservice industry is so important?

The foodservice industry is important because it touches everyone's life. From children eating at school to families enjoying Friday pizza night, and even an elderly person receiving meals from a nutritionist or having Sunday brunch with loved ones, foodservice is part of our daily experiences.

Who are your biggest influences?

My big influences have all been previous managers or owners of companies I have worked for.

What do you enjoy most about working at Elevation?

Working at Elevation is going to allow me to grow in my career and meet new people.

What are some of your passions outside of work?

Outside of work, I enjoy staying at home and just relaxing. I also love going out for breakfast with my mom and spending time with friends.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?

Currently my favorite vacation spot is Marimar Beach FL.

Are you a fan of any sports team?

I am not a TRUE fan of a particular team or sport, but I have had fun at a couple of games.

Who is the first person you call or text when something exciting happens?

I call my mom when something exciting happens.

Thanks so much, Liz, and welcome to the team!