Elevation Nation Blog | Elevation Foodservice Reps

Team Spotlight: David Gonzalez

Written by Elevation Foodservice Reps | Sep 17, 2024 8:32:45 PM

Please join us in welcoming David Gonzalez to the team. David is an L.A. Dodgers fan, but we won't hold that against him. Why? Because his other answers are so great. Let's get to know David!

Hi David, to start, tell us what excites you most about your job?

What excites me about the job is that every day is different and new. You get to learn something, meet someone who is new, and hopefully help them fulfill a need they have.

Why do you feel the foodservice industry is so important?

I feel the foodservice industry is important because it not only feeds people but gives many people a sense of community. People can relate and build relationships over types of food, drinks, restaurants, etc. Those relationships are important to building and contributing to a successful society.

Who are your biggest influences?

My biggest influence is my father. He worked hard his entire life and provided an amazing life for his family. He is the biggest influence on who I am and who I try to be today.

What do you enjoy most about working at Elevation?

What I enjoy most about working at Elevation is the people. Everyone is genuine and works as a team to all be successful.

What are some of your passions outside of work?

Some of my passions outside of work are being in the outdoors, hiking, and camping. I also love playing golf. Lastly, and most importantly, I love spending time with my son. He’s growing so fast and is amazing every day.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?

My favorite vacation spot is a place called Patrick’s Point in California. It’s in the middle of the redwood forest on the Pacific Coast. Whenever I go there I feel most at peace.

Are you a fan of any sports team?

I am a Los Angeles Dodgers fan.

Who is the first person you call or text when something exciting happens?

My wife Alisha.

Thanks so much, David, and welcome to the team!